Our Beegan Purpose

We are proud to call ourselves a beegan company.

At the heart of Beesline lies our commitment
to respect and protect the bees.


noun /'bi:g n/

A commitment meant to safeguard the bee population by supporting ethical and sustainable beekeeping.

Aligned with the vegan ethos: free from any animal ingredients with the exception of cruelty-free and sustainably sourced bee byproducts (honey, beeswax, propolis, and royal jelly).

We source our bee byproducts exclusively from European, certified ethical suppliers as well as local bee-centered beekeepers—a community we are actively supporting and expanding.


The Bee-centric Society Project


While bees are under threat due to harmful human intervention, we are committed to restore balance in the equation and actively promote ways to respect all bees, through two programs.

Bee-centered Beekeeping

Bee-centered beekeeping prioritizes the bees’ needs and only permits humans to harvest the excess byproducts left by the bees. This approach prones minimum human interaction, keeping bees in a more natural way, without antibiotics or sugar feeding, and giving them a home that serves them well.

What we are doing on the ground:

Sourcing part of our bee byproducts from local bee-centered beekeepers. Educating local beekeepers on this approach. Providing beekeepers with the tools to switch from traditional to bee-centered beekeeping. Planning on developing a seal to help customers identify products with ingredients sourced from bee-centered farms.

The Wild Bees Conservation Program

Though they do not produce byproducts, wild solitary bees remain the most efficient pollinators, making them crucial to biodiversity. And while urbanization has had its toll on wild bees, we are working to recreate an environment that suits them.

What we are doing on the ground:

Raising awareness on the importance of wild bees and what can be done to save them. Distributing bee hotels that can be placed in any urban area and form a shelter for wild bees. Providing customers with local bee-friendly seeds to plant. We started this action in Lebanon and aim to spread it to more countries.
